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Chris Boudreau
Strategic Initiatives and Growth
Direct (506) 694-1050
Mobile (506) 343-6848

Since 2007, iSpire has helped businesses Start, Grow And Prosper. As a top-tier Managed Service Provider (MSP) to customers across Canada, we partner with our clients to plan the optimization of their technical infrastructure to meet their long-term business needs. Our organization with its team of experts from desktop support up, but not limited to, CIO/CTO services provide cost-effective managed IT environments for our clients.

 At iSpire we create close, long-term relationships with our customers. We place a strong emphasis on understanding our customers business, ensuring technology helps rather than holds them back. Our focus is proactive and practical with a commitment to doing what is right for the customer in all situations. We use the best of breed tools and processes and take a wholistic approach to your IT needs. With decades of subject matter expertise in IT, engineering, process, and controls, iSpire offers a broader range of services than a typical managed services provider (MSP) company. Our services are used by global companies right down to small businesses. Our team here at iSpire are also highly engaged in our community, initiating and funding projects such as Connexionworks, where we provide mentorship to brand new start-ups, to regional security operations centers (SOC), we are committed to giving back to and building the communities we service.

Getting Ready For Digital Transformation

Are you laying solid foundation for a successful transition to  your future digital business? To succeed, starts with a current  assessment of where you are at, identifying gaps and documenting the necessary actions  and the key resources needed to close the gaps.

To learn more click here!
Service Language: English